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Pamela A. Davol, 76 Mildred Avenue, Swansea, MA  02777-1620.

Cancer In The Canine

    Veterinary oncology, the study and treatment of cancer in companion animals, has become a growing practice in recent years. Prior to the past decade, veterinary options for therapeutic management of cancer in the dog were limited, and prognosis for such patients was often dismal. Today, new combinations of drugs (chemotherapy), improvements in surgical techniques for removing tumors, radiation therapy, and novel cancer-targeting drugs are successfully prolonging and improving quality-of-life in many dogs diagnosed with neoplastic disease. The following article will take the reader: from early cellular events to risk factors leading to the development of cancer; from the newest methods for detection and staging of disease to diagnosis of some of the more common cancers affecting the canine; from conventional forms of therapy to new breakthroughs and clinical trials with novel treatments aimed at eradicating these malignancies in the dog.



Author’s Note


Cancer Letters - A compilation of selected letters from my archives addressing issues pertaining to various forms of cancer.

Part I. The Basics of Cancer Biology

Part 2. Veterinary Oncology and the Dog


Part 3: Treating Cancer in the Canine

References- Part 1, 2, and 3

Cancer Links

Copyright Ó 1999, 2000. Pamela A. Davol. All rights reserved. Copyright & disclaimer.

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The Moss Reports - Cancer Decisions - Your lighthouse to guide you through the stormy
      waters of cancer.