Shipping Dogs and Puppies:
How To Turn A Potential Nightmare Into A Story With A Happy Ending
Everyone has heard the terrifying stories of dogs and puppies becoming lost, misplaced,
injured, or ill during airline shipping. Any breeder who ships their dogs, whether it be
nationally or internationally, will probably at some point have a "bad
experience" with an airline. Many times, however, taking appropriate precautions
prior to and during shipping may help to minimize the risks associated with shipping any
animal. The following provides some information on procedures for shipping, as well as
recommendations for minimizing problems associated with shipping animals.
Why ship?
When breeding for quality, a breeder will not always find the perfect male to
complement his bitch within a short driving distance from his home. Though collection of
semen and artificial insemination offer an alternative to shipping a bitch across the
country to the stud, costs for "do-it-yourself" semen-collection- kits can be
high and add additional expense to stud fees. Alternatively, it is not always easy to find
a local veterinarian with the experience to successfully collect and preserve semen or
with enough experience to achieve a successful artificial insemination. For these reasons,
some breeders depend on shipping for continuation of their breeding program.
For prospective puppy owners, it is not always easy to find a reputable breeder or one
who is breeding the specific "type" for which an individual may be searching
within a reasonable driving distance. Shipping increases a person's chances of acquiring
the quality they are hoping to find.
What are the requirements for shipping?
A dog must be at least 8 weeks old for shipping and must be examined by and receive a
health certificate from a veterinarian within 10 days of the date of shipping.
Additionally, some states and foreign countries require a rabies vaccine certificate. An
airline approved crate (Vari-kennel type--no wire cages) that has enough room for the dog
to stand and turn around will be required for shipping (medium-sized Vari-kennels for
shipping Labrador puppies from 8-16 weeks; large-sized Vari-kennel for older puppies and
adults). Some carrier services have weight restrictions. For example, Delta Dash will only
ship dogs if the combined weight of the dog and the crate does not exceed 70 pounds; above
70 pounds, the dog and crate must be shipped freight.
What is the best way to ship a puppy or a dog?
Dash service provided by Delta airlines (Delta Dash) offers counter-to-counter delivery
services for animals. In such a case, animals are dropped off at the Delta Dash office,
are personally transported to the plane by a cargo person, and then upon arriving at their
destination, are personally transported to the Delta Dash office or baggage office.
Additionally, Dash services offer faster deliveries with fewer and shorter lay-overs.
Unfortunately, because of the personalized handling (carry-on/carry-off) associated
with Delta Dash, animals weighing over 70 pounds (weight of crate included) are not
eligible for shipping by Dash services. Under these circumstances, shipping by freight is
the alternative. In this instance, a dog is either dropped off at the airline cargo
facility or at the airline baggage counter. The animal is handled as other passenger
baggage (hopefully with a little more care than given to the average piece of luggage) in
that it is driven out to the plane on a baggage transport. Because of the potential for
more frequent and long layovers, temperature restrictions often apply.
At Wing-N-Wave, we have shipped puppies and dogs by both methods, however, whenever
possible, Delta Dash is the preferred method for transporting our dogs.
What are some problems associated with shipping?
I have been shipping Labradors since 1990, however, in that time I have only shipped
about 10 puppies and dogs combined. I have only encountered one potential problem, which
never really became a problem mainly due to what I believe were certain precautions which
I took. During this particular incident, I was actually traveling with two puppies which I
was bringing back from Alberta, Canada on United airlines. Unfortunately, the puppies and
I had to change airplanes twice, once in Spokane and then again in Chicago. When I got off
the plane in Spokane, I immediately went to the ticket person at the exit of the boarding
ramp and said.. "Hi, I have two puppies which are traveling with me on this flight
which just arrived. I need to be sure that they get off this plane and onto my connecting
flight number such-n-such. Could you please contact someone from baggage and make them
aware of this?" Then I stood there and made sure that the person got on his little
walkie-talkie with someone down in baggage. Well, surprise! The baggage person didn't know
there were puppies on board, nor did they know that they were suppose to be put on a
connecting flight. In fact, it took the baggage person about 15 minutes to locate my
little ones because they had been put in the wrong baggage section of the plane. Whew!
Talk about a close call. They would have been on their way to Los Angeles. Then I went to
my connecting flight's boarding ramp and said to the ticket person there..."Hi, I'm
traveling with two puppies and I want to confirm that they have been transferred to this
flight from flight number such-n-such." No problem. Mr. Ticket person got on his
walkie-talkie and then reported that "Yes, the puppies have been placed on this
flight." Then and only then did I board the aircraft. Well, due to a storm over
Chicago, my flight pulled in about 5 min before my connecting flight was scheduled to
depart. Luckily, the connecting flight was just across the hallway. I ran down the
boarding ramp. This time I didn't bother to stop at the ticket collection counter from my
arriving flight but went immediately to Ms. Ticket person at the connecting flight's
boarding ramp and spilled my story. She got on her walkie-talkie and verified that the
puppies were being boarded on the connecting flight at that moment. Whew! We all arrived
in Providence safely.
Suggestions when shipping
Tips for when the dog is traveling alone:
- In advance, determine which airports service the area to which you are shipping. Choose
more than one so that you can select the best flight for the dog, even if it should mean a
farther drive to the airport for either the shipper or the person awaiting the dog.
- Choose a non-stop flight to the dog's destination or a direct flight (possible lay-over
but the dog does not have to change planes)—Unfortunately, non-stop flights are not
always available. Direct flights minimize risk of missing a connecting flight, however,
during lay-overs in hot weather the animal should be removed from the aircraft to prevent
- When sending a dog by freight, inquire about the possibility of temperature restrictions
if the dog will be flying in the summer or winter. Be aware that restrictions may be
issued at an airport where the dog will be connecting and not necessarily at the airport
of its final destination. Though it is sometimes difficult to anticipate restrictions, it
is a good idea to phone the airline several days prior to the flight to find out if any
temperature restrictions have been issued or are expected to be issued. In such a case,
the airline may be able to re-route the dog onto another flight through an alternate
connector airport.
- When direct or connecting flights must be used, ask about temperature restrictions even
if you are shipping by Dash. During layovers, the cargo holds of planes can get very hot
in warmer climates. Have the airline person handling the shipment send an advisory ahead
that there is a dog on board that should be removed from the plane during the layover, or
that the dog must be placed on a connecting flight. Also in consideration of temperature,
during the summer, try to arrange late-day flights; in the winter, arrange day-time
flights. Caution in regard to connecting and late flights: find out the closing time of
the airport where the dog will be making the connecting flight. If the airport does not
stay open all night and the dog happens to miss its connecting flight, it could be
stranded until the following morning.
- Find out where the dog will be picked up once it arrives at its final destination. In
cases where the dog is to be picked up at the cargo office, ensure that the cargo office
is still open at the time the dog arrives.
- If shipping Dash, no reservation is required, however, shipping a dog freight requires
advanced booking. Dash service is pre-payment only. Cost of shipping is determined by
combined weight of dog and kennel. Though Dash is expected to cost more, sometimes
shipping freight is more expensive.
- Be sure to obtain a health certificate for the dog within 10 days of the flight and if
required, a rabies certificate. If the dog is traveling to a foreign country, inquire in
advance if there are any other special requirements for shipping a dog (i.e. a negative
brucellosis test, etc.), or if there is a quarantine requirement once the dog arrives. (Be
aware that some countries, such as the United Kingdom, have exceptionally long quarantine
- If quarantine is required, confirm that the airport of final destination has an adequate
facility and qualified personnel to accommodate the dog.
- The day before the flight, if shipping Dash, call the Dash Office from which the dog
will be shipped just to make them aware that you will be bringing a dog in the following
day (though reservations are not required, the Dash people will appreciate advance
notice). If shipping freight, call to confirm your reservation.
- The day of the flight, arrive at the airport at least 90 minutes before your flight is
scheduled to depart to allow time for the paperwork (2 hours if you anticipate a long
check-in wait or if you must go through customs). Obtain flight numbers and flight
schedule. If the flight is direct or connecting, obtain the telephone numbers of the
Dash/cargo office at the intermediate airport (you will need these to track the dog if the
dog does not arrive at its final destination). Obtain the confirmation number of the
shipment (the person receiving the dog will need this number to claim the dog once it
arrives). Also for direct or connecting flights, request that an advisory be sent ahead to
the intermediate airport to alert them that a dog is on board, and for all flights,
request that an advisory be sent to the airport of final destination that a dog will be
arriving aboard flight # ____ .
- Place ice cubes (not water) in the food trays of the Vari-kennel, hug your puppy/dog,
and wish him "Good Journey."
- Telephone the person on the receiving end to give them the confirmation #. They will
also need photo identification before the dog will be released to them. Have them call you
to let you know that the dog has arrived safely (no matter what time of night it may be).
Likewise, if the dog does not arrive as expected, have them call you immediately so that
you can begin tracking the dog.
Tips when traveling with your dog:
- When traveling with young puppies (8-12 weeks) or small dogs, purchase a special airline
pet-carrier which has been designed to fit under airline seats. In this way, the puppy or
dog will travel with you as carry-on luggage.
- For older puppies and larger dogs, it will be necessary for them to travel in the
baggage compartment. Therefore, when booking your own flight reservations, be sure to make
reservations for the dog at the same time. Cost of shipping is less expensive when you fly
with your pet (approximately $50/crate).
- Also, when booking your flight, inquire about the possibility of temperature
restrictions if you will be flying in the summer or winter. Be aware that restrictions may
be issued at an airport where you will be connecting and not necessarily at the airport of
your final destination. Though it is sometimes difficult to anticipate restrictions, it is
a good idea to phone the airline several days prior to your flight to find out if any
temperature restrictions have been issued or are expected to be issued. In such a case,
the airline may be able to re-route you on another flight through an alternate connector
- Be sure to obtain a health certificate for the dog within 10 days of the flight and if
required, a rabies certificate. If you are traveling to a foreign country, inquire in
advance if there are any other special requirements for shipping a dog or if there is a
quarantine requirement once the dog arrives. (Be aware that some countries, such as the
United Kingdom, have exceptionally long quarantine periods).
- The day of travel, arrive at the airport at least 90 minutes before your flight is
scheduled to depart (2 hours if you anticipate a long check-in wait or if you must go
through customs). The dog and crate will be checked-in at the terminal counter with your
other baggage.
- During warm weather, if you are flying direct but have a lay-over period of more than
half-an-hour, ask your flight attendant if he can have someone from baggage remove the dog
from the cargo hold temporarily to prevent the possibility of the dog overheating. Just
prior to take-off, confirm with the flight attendant that the dog has been placed back on
the aircraft. If you must change planes, speak to the information person located at the
end of the boarding ramp of the plane you are departing. Inform them that you are
traveling with an animal and confirm that the dog has been taken off the plane. Once you
reach the Gate of your connecting flight, inform the ticket-taker at the boarding ramp
that you are traveling with an animal and have them confirm that the dog has been
transferred to the plane.
- Upon arrival at your final destination, the dog is usually claimed at either the baggage
office or near the baggage carousel where the other luggage from the flight is claimed.
Other tips to remember:
Information on Delta's New Travel Program for Pets (which
has replaced Delta Dash for live animal transport):
Delta's Pets
First Travel Program
For up-to-date information on the current airline dog-embargo please visit the AKC
Canine Legislation pages:
"AKC Opposes Airline
Restrictions" in Taking Command-August 2000: The AKC Canine Legislation
REACHED BY CONGRESS" in Taking Command-April 2000: The AKC Canine Legislation
For alternative services for shipping dogs visit the following on-line
'Copyright 1997 Pamela A. Davol'